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Wake up call

3 am

Do you find yourself waking up at random times throughout the night? I do. This morning it was 3:21 a.m. WIDE AWAKE! This happens alot to me. Especially when I'm transistioning. What do I mean by that?

I can tell when my spirit is calling me to a higher level of awareness. Stretching me and forcing me out of my comfort zone. If the universe cannot catch my attention during the day cause I'm wrapped up in "busy"ness. Then they call me at night. ;)

I'm a big believer there's a message for me... when this happens, the first thing I do is search up the number. In this case I typed in Angel Number 321 meaning Joanne Scribes. Her messages have been pretty spot on for me over the years. This time, I felt the same.

Angel number 321 encourages you to step in the direction of your desires with confidence and optimisim, with the belief that you will find success and fullfillment. Do not be afraid to take on new challenges and opportuntites as they will prove to be of great benefit to you. Give any fears, worries and or concerns to the angels for healing and trust that your fears will be transmuted and replaced with faith, self-belief and confidence. Know that you are well loved and blessed by the universal eneriges so never doubt yourself or the power of the angels.

Creativity sparks new ways of doing things, which positively affects work and play. Simply go within and be open to the Divine Magic of the Universe.

Well, that just seemed to speak to my soul. You see, I AM stepping in the direction of my dreams- that's my desire. My heart is eager but my mind is gets in the way. And fear tries to creep in through self doubt and critisism. I did something completely out of my comfort zone yesterday. I made a video promoting my upcoming Book Signing and Author Talk at the Barnes and Noble.

For some reason getting infront of the camera can be intimidating to me. Probably cause I can be so darn critical and judgemental of myself. I figure if I find all the flaws first, any sense of rejection will be less painful. But the truth is. It doesn't help at all. It really only seems to make matters worse. Cause then I'm overly concerned about how I may show up. However, yesterday I felt differently. I just told myself, let the Lord use you. It is HE who made the way for this day. Trust you are perfectly equiped and it's the message that is being shared, it's no popularity or beauty contest. He will send the people to you who are open and ready to recieve. You are just the vessel. That took off so much pressure and when I looked back at the video (no redo's) I actually liked what I seen. You know why?! Cause it was real, authentic and just- ME!

This message 321 was a confirmation of the coming attractions when I trust the guidance that surrounds me. I do feel loved and have been recieving sparks of creativity.

Reading the line, "be open to Divine Magic" excited my soul. I am ready and willing to recieve. Thank you!!! I'm eager to see what's instore for me. I'm believing for BIG things. Especially now that I moved out of my own way.