Think about it. Every moment of every day you are a choice away from a whole new world. Every decision you make takes you on a whole nother journey. Each moment we are given the opportunity to decide for ourselves what we want, and when we do so, it changes the entire trajectory of our life. That is really a powerful thought. As well as, action. Right?!
Every move you make affects others as well. Every move, there be it intentionally or involuntary, affects others. Becoming aware of this reality has really had a profound impact on me and caused me to be more intentional about the life I am creating. Yes, some things happen to us, however, it is how we respond to it that makes all the difference.
Case in point, someone cuts you off in traffic. You get REALLY upset. How could they do that to me?! (Road rage is a thing!) Somehow this experience, sets off something in your brain that triggers you to be come angry and take into account all the other times people cut you off, talk over you, over look you etc. and we take it personally.
This can have a full on domino effect and put a chip on your shoulder and sour your entire day. This one act has now affected a ton of other people and other areas of your life. Why? Because you let it.
Just stating that probably triggered you. I know writing it, sparked something inside of me. LOL.
However it all comes down to our attitude: a person's feelings, opinions and behavors toward a particular subject or person. Our attitudes control our life. "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll.
While we cannot control our circumstances, however, we do have the power to decide how we will react. And that my friend is where the POWER resides, in our freedom of choice.
Choose wisely. Choose what speaks to your soul, rather than what "protects" it.
We are inately wired for protection. That is why we are on the hunt for "trigger words" or actions that protect us from being hurt. When a situation arises that stirs up feelings inside of us that make us remember the last time we felt those feelings - and WE DO NOT WANT to feel those feelings again, our guard goes up immediately out of the need to protect ourselves.
But what if we realized that we are protected. Would we live more free and in true joy. Allowing everyone and everything to "be" vs trying to control the outcome.
I don't know... but I am going to give it a try.